
    Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of the results of the examination for the Certification of Attainment in Modern Greek. 

    Study on the appropriateness of examination questions in reception skills 

    Introductory Note

    This is a study of the appropriateness of examination topics on the receptive skills, done on the basis of performance by candidates for the certification of attainment in Modern Greek, and useful for those involved in designing examinations and teaching Modern Greek as a foreign or second language. The research used a random sampling of exam papers from the years 2002, 2003, and 2004. The purpose of this process of analysis was to determine precisely the level of difficulty/ease of the individual examination topics in the receptive skills (comprehension of oral speech and writing), as well as the level of candidates’ discrimination abilities at all levels.

    The content of this section is available only in the Greek version.

    Last Modified: 23 Feb 2010, 12:04