
Modern Greek literature in translation 

Documentation and classification of translations of Modern Greek literature 

Introductory Note

The database for translations of Modern Greek literature in other languages serves informational, research, and study needs.

It is an important tool for all those studying issues related to the reception of Modern Greek literature in other languages, as well as translation in general. It provides information for the study of publication practices, translation choices, the function and significance of political, social, ideological, and other parameters within the framework of a target language, a group of translations with common features, etc.

It forms an adequate guide to investigating the translation fortunes of authors or particular literary works, writing styles, thematic areas, periods in Modern Greek literature, etc.

The database provides details that may be employed for treating issues such as the inability, or the attempts, by Modern Greek literature to circulate to readerships outside the borders of the Greek language, the parameters that reinforce or impede such attempts, relations between Modern Greek literature and the linguistic, literary, and more broadly the contemporary cultural realities of the European and international context, etc.

Through the means of basic and advanced searches, information is provided regarding translations of Modern Greek literary works into the following languages: Bulgarian, French, German, Spanish (Castilian, Catalan, Asturian, Basque, Galician), Italian, Croatian, Dutch, Portuguese, Rumanian, Serbian, Slavomacedonian, Slovenian, and Turkish.

The database provides information about authors (in Greek and the language of translation), the title (of the translation, the original, and a translation of the former into Greek), genre, translator, editor, place and year of publication, publisher, publication series and printer, number of pages and print run of the edition, ISBN/ISSN and the price. In addition, other details recorded include whether the edition is bilingual, and whether there is a foreword, introduction, epilogue, addendum, notes/commentary by the translator, as well as whether it has a chronology, biographical details, list of other works by the author, and bibliography. Also, it is noted the type of readers to whom the translations are addressed, and all the necessary details are provided regarding circulation/distribution both commercially and to libraries. Each record is completed by details concerning the completeness/abridgement of the translated text in relation to the original, as well as about illustrations and the cover of the edition.

The database is supported by critical texts, which present in brief the translation fortunes of Modern Greek literature according to the target language. These texts are cited in the Introduction.

The content of this section is available only in the Greek version.

Last Modified: 23 Dec 2009, 10:37